
17 Oct 2021


9:45 am

The Freewheel Championship

All year our top athletes have been training hard, managing their nutrition, hydrating, spending hours in the gym and practicing their most streamlined position in the hope that they can secure what has to be the most coveted trophy in the KCC calendar; the freewheel championship trophy!
If your trophy cabinet is looking just a little bit empty there is still a chance to salvage something this year!

NB you don’t have to be a KCC member to take part but you do have to be a fully paid up member to win the Trophy

meeting point, click here for google maps

Meet 9.45am at the bus stop near the Three Cranes pub Cransley. Please arrive earlier and be ready to start off and also to cheer on your fellow competitors!

watch how it’s done by our current champ!


As an participant in our club ride your information may be shared on the event or our club website, newsletter, social media pages or in emails sent by or on behalf of Kettering cycling club. When used, we may use your name and only shared in relation to your participation in the ride, for example tagged in photos and ride reports.